Eastern Mining wins Investment of the Year Award at the Sarajevo Business Bridge Awards

  • general

  • 11 May 2022

We were delighted to receive The Sarajevo Business Bridge Award for Investment of the Year today at The Sarajevo Business Forum.

“This is a huge honour and a recognition of our ambition of a long-term, successful and sustainable partnership with the whole of Bosnia-Herzegovina .” Said Paul Cronin, CEO and Managing Director of Adriatic Metals Plc.

He continued: “We call it the Vares Project for a reason because this investment is not only about the mine, it is about the sustainable development of wider capability, combined with the development of local supply chains and communities. But even more than that, this is about substantial investment in people development to ensure that this industry has the depth of skills and knowledge to expand beyond Vares.”

The Vares Project serves as a role model for the mining industry in BiH, which is already seeing a significant increase in foreign investment into Bosnian mineral exploration, clearly demonstrating to other European nations, that securing raw materials can be done with both positive economic and environmental impact.